Sunday, March 30, 2008

"You Are The Teacher" Project Description

Teachers and students are more closely related than you might think. A teacher is simply a student who has mastered a skill or understanding of a topic and helps others to understand what (s)he has learned. In this project you will start out as a student and then become a teacher to your classmates. By teaching your classmates about your topic you will gain a better understanding of the learning process (and become a stronger learner). This project will prepare you 100% for the Young Nation Exhibition on April 17, when you will teach your parents about the early history of the United States of America.

In this project each team will produce two things:

9 Step Lesson Plan
(See the guidelines on the handout/blog entry for lesson plan format)

Timeline of events
Summary of events, people & places (800 words minimum)
Past & present connections (450 words minimum)
Event/Person Highlight (newspaper article, diary, interview, etc.)
7 Step Lesson Plan
Quiz (10 questions that relate to the information on your blog)

NOTE: Each person in the group will have the same information on their blog. The only component, which will vary between group members, is the event/person highlight. Each person must choose a different topic and complete this portion individually.

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